Address: 拉萨市城关区世纪广场45楼 Project area: 1100平米 设计理念: Design Idea 拉萨这座城市的发展离不开藏文化的依托,更离不开远离故土的云贵川”淘金者“的坚持和奉献。 高原特有的环境和气候让“淘金者”终日暴露在干燥的空气、强烈的光线和弥漫的风沙中。 远离家人陪伴的他们在这异乡能够收货的除了丰厚的报酬还有珍贵的友谊。 如何为他们打造一处可以从容社交的就餐场所,同时还可以通过空间氛围唤醒他们的故土文化记忆是我们最需要解决的问题。 The development of Lhasa is inseparable from the support of Tibetan culture and the persistence and dedication of “gold prospectors” form Yunnan, Guizhou, Sichuan,who are far away from their hometown.In the unique environment and climate of the plateau, gold prospectors are exposed to dry air, strong light and diffuse wind and sand all day long. Without company of families, what they can receive in this foreign land is not only the rich reward but also the precious friendship.How to create a place for them to eat at leisure and socialize with others, and at the same time, how to arouse their native cultural memory through the space atmosphere are the most important problems we need to solve.

拉萨九门川菜府邸-Lhasa JIUMEN Sichuan Cuisine

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拉萨九门川菜府邸-Lhasa JIUMEN Sichuan Cuisine