本帖最后由 辰佑设计机构 于 2020-5-7 10:14 编辑 设计 / 辰佑设计 Design / CYiD 项目地址 / 艮山府 Location / Gen Shan Fu 设计时间 / 2019年2月 Design time / February 2019 我们设计的目的是在解决屋主需求的同时,将设计悄无声息的融入家中,呈现出空间特有的魅力。 入门之后,“杀手”就在迎接归家的我们,柔和的灯光与半弧形吊顶相呼应,增加空间的柔和度,让他变得“不太冷”。The purpose of our design is to solve the house owner's needs at the same time, the design quietly into the home, showing the unique charm of the space. After introduction, "killer" be in welcome those who return home we, downy lamplight and half arc condole top photograph echo, increase dimensional downy degree, let him become "not too cold".

新作 │ 黑眼圈的“杀手”

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新作 │ 黑眼圈的“杀手”