项目名称:云南律师事务所办公室空间设计 Pr‌‌oject name: Yunnan law firm 项目地址:云南省昆明市 Project address: Kunming, yunnan province 项目时间:2017年3月 Project time: March 2017 项目面积:400平米 Project area: 400 square meters 主要用材:白色软膜,黑钛金不锈钢,烤漆玻璃,木饰面,乳胶漆 Main materials: white soft film, black titanium stainless steel, baking glass, wood veneer, latex paint 律师这个行业越来越受到亲睐,无论是个人律师事务所还是大型律师事务服务公司将会越来越多,然而一个律师事务所的生意好坏,除了跟律师本身资质与交谈能力有关系之外,和整个律师事务所办公室空间设计也是分不开的。 Lawyers, the industry is more and more favourite personal lawyer or large transaction service company will be more and more, however, a law firm in the business of good or bad, in addition to qualification as a lawyer itself with conversation ability, and the law firm office decoration design is also inseparable.


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标签: 设计