项目名称:吉隆坡AUTOTRIZ办公室设计 ‌‌Name of the project:Design of the AUTOTRIZ office in Kuala Lumpur. 项目地址:马来西亚吉隆坡 Project address:Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. 设计面积:80㎡ Design area: 80㎡ 主要材料:亚克力、肌理漆、人造石、烤漆玻璃、仿真植物 Main materials: Acrylic, texture paint, artificial stone, painted glass, artificial plant. Born Design担纲设计了马来西亚纳米涂料总部办公空间。该办公室设计位于吉隆坡某工业区的一条街道旁。 Born Design has designed the office space of Malaysian nano-coating headquarters. The office is located at a street in an industrial district in Kuala Lumpur.


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标签: 设计