项目名称:合肥锦里音乐主题餐厅设计 Project: Design of music themed restaurant in jinli, gansu province. 项目地址:中国合肥 Address:Jiayuguan, gansu, China. 营业面积:350平方米 Business area: 350㎡ 完成时间:2017年8月 Time of completion: August 2017, 主要用材:老木板,防腐木,铁艺,水泥涂料,仿古砖,麻绳,绿植,花砖 Main materials:Old board, anti-corrosion wood, iron art, cement paint, archaize brick, hemp rope, green plant, tile. 在这个全民刷颜值的时代,餐厅作为全民消费的标配场所,就餐环境的优质与否,逐渐成为决定餐厅发展成功与否的重要指标。餐饮空间对于年轻一代而言,不仅仅是一个聚餐吃饭的地儿,还是一个彰显个人格调的指标,一个有格调的餐厅当背景墙,足以满足你在盆友圈发美食照片时顺便拉一把仇恨的。可见,年轻人更加倾向于找一些新鲜逼格高的餐厅作为自己的消费首选,因为餐厅“味道”重要,餐厅的空间“设计”更重要。 In the age of the people's appearance level, the restaurant serves as the standard place for the consumption of all people, and the quality of the dining environment has gradually become an important indicator to determine the success of the restaurant. Dining room for the younger generation is more than just a place to eat dinner, or a reveal the indicators of personal style, a style of restaurant when setting wall, enough to meet you in the circle of friends to send food photos by the way, could you pull a hatred. It can be seen that young people are more inclined to find some fresh pretend bility high restaurants as their preferred consumption, because the restaurant "taste" is important, and the space "design" of the restaurant is more important. 搜模型 合肥主题餐厅设计


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