项目名称:肥猫音乐餐厅设计 Name of the project: the design of the fat cat Music Restaurant 项目地址:北京市 Project address: Beijing City 设计面积:300㎡ Design area: 300㎡ 搜模型 每个餐厅设计出的给客人第一印象,就决定了客人的就餐欲望。肥猫音乐餐厅设计位于北京市,是一家音乐酒吧加餐饮结合的特殊属性餐厅设计,所以设计师更用心的规划构思,需用颜色、灯光、门头、空间平面布局来表现出特色的餐厅设计。 The first impression made by each restaurant to the guests determines the desire of the guests to eat. The fat cat music restaurant is designed in Beijing. It is a special restaurant design of a music bar plus food and beverage. So the designer is more careful with the design of the restaurant. It needs color, light, door and space layout to show the restaurant design with special features. 一般来说,音乐餐厅的主要消费人群是年轻人。所以肥猫音乐餐厅设计在装修风格上尽量符合年轻人的审美。设计师在色彩搭配上自由、大胆,配合音乐制造各种灯光效果。音乐餐厅设计采取了餐厅与酒吧的结合,有独立舞台,使整个空间都有时尚、前卫之感。 Generally speaking, the main consumers of music restaurants are young people. Therefore, the design of the fat cat Music Restaurant accords with the aesthetic standards of young people as much as possible. The designer is free and bold in color matching, making various lighting effects with music. The design of music restaurant takes the combination of restaurants and bars, and has independent stage to make the whole space feel fashionable and avant-garde. 肥猫音乐餐厅设计以钢筋水泥木头为主,个性的灯具,皮质的座椅,整个室内呈现出一个视野开阔的开放性共享空间,既文艺又复古。在这个空间里,酒与音乐浑然一体。穿过门廊,从吧台、地面、包厢的墙面,灯光投射在每一个人的脸庞,让人仿佛进入了一个把酒言歌的别样天地。置身其中,可以一边欣赏音乐,一边品尝高品质的酒水小吃,让夜生活更加充满魅力。 The fat cat music restaurant is designed with steel, cement, wood, personal lamps and leather seats. The whole room presents an open and open space for the whole room, which is both literary and artistic. In this space, wine and music are integrated. Through the porch, from the bar, the floor, the wall of the box, the light is projected on everyone's face, which makes people seem to enter a different world of wine and song. You can enjoy music while enjoying high quality drinks and snacks, and make the night life more charming. 博仁设计BORN DESIGN 专业设计领域:精品酒店设计、民宿客栈设计、餐饮空间设计、办公空间设计、品牌连锁店设计、文化创意空间等商业空间设计 ROFESSIONALDESIGN FIELD: Design of boutique hotel, hotel design, catering space design, office space design, brand chain design, cultural creative space and other commercial space design 综合设计领域:艺术陈设、照明设计、VIS视觉艺术。 INTEGRATEDDESIGN AREAS: Art display、Lighting design、VIS visual art 上海合肥全国音乐主题餐厅装饰装修设计


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