项目名称:佐贺牛烤肉店餐厅设计 Name of the project: the design of Saka Ushi barbecue 项目地址:福建省厦门市 Project address: Xiamen, Fujian 设计面积:150㎡ Design area: 150㎡ 主要材料:樟子松板饰面、白色文化砖饰面、水泥板饰面、白色瓷砖 Main materials: Pinus sylvestris veneer, white cultural brick face, cement veneer, white tile 厦门日式餐厅设计主要功能合理利用,设计师将日式化繁为简,用利落的线条和纯朴的原木,经典的图腾相结合,追求一种“宁静”的氛围。以木线条作为贯穿全篇的设计元素,运用原木的本真气质与天然肌理,营造出一种沉稳内敛成熟的感觉。上海香叶日式餐饮空间设计相对会更加简洁清新一些。 The main functions of Japanese restaurant in Xiamen are rationally utilized. The designers simplify the Japanese style and combine them with neat lines, simple logs and classic totem, so as to pursue a peaceful atmosphere. With wood lines as a whole design element, the true temperament and natural texture of the logs are used to create a feeling of steady and introverted maturity. Shanghai fragrant leaf daily dining space design is relatively concise and fresh.


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