充满东方艺术品位的家具 述说精致的生活和高雅的艺术审美 颇具东方水墨韵味的书房 讲述内心的风雅和从容 Furniture is full of oriental artistic taste Narrating delicate life and elegant art aesthetic Oriental ink charm study Telling the inner elegance and ease 居住艺术最完美的演绎是 摆脱设计和风格本身的束缚 感受浸透于空间细节中流露出的“优雅”品位 The most perfect interpretation of living art is Getting rid of design and style Feeling ‘elegant’taste that permeated from the details of the space 生活收藏诗和远方 一个糅合东方诗意与西方文化色彩的家 一半浪漫 一半优雅 为人们创造诗意生活一直驱动我们前行! Life collects poetry and distance A home blending of eastern poetry and western culture Half romantic and half elegant Creating a poetic life for people has been driving us forward! ▽ 项目名称 | 厦门保利当代半岛 Project Name | Xiamen Poly Peninsula Villa 项目性质 | 住宅 Project Category | Residence 项目地点 | 厦门 Location | Xiamen 甲方单位 | 保利地产 & 当代置业 Client | Poly Group & Modern Land 硬/软装设计 | 柏年印象 Interior Design | HCD IMPRESS 项目面积 | 900m2 Area | 900m2 项目摄影 | 彦铭 Photographer | Yanming

厦门保利当代半岛 ∣ HCD IMPRESS 柏年印象

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厦门保利当代半岛 ∣ HCD IMPRESS 柏年印象