该项目位于上海浅水湾文化艺术中心内,是一个室内面积只有170平米的办公毛坯房。业主希望在较低的预算下将这个小型办公场地塑造为具有创新特色、能吸引微小型设计创业团队和创业者的众创办公环境。 The office area is only 170 square meters and it’s located at QSW Culture Center in Shanghai. Owner wants to create a working space at low budgets but innovative and attractive. In this office small-scale design team and startups can work together and share resources.

寻常设计|林经锐 Lin Jingrui / 麻绳工作室/Rope Wave Office

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标签: 办公设计
寻常设计|林经锐 Lin Jingrui / 麻绳工作室/Rope Wave Office