KiT OPS Kitbashing Blender Addon

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KiT OPS Kitbashing Blender Addon v1.04

KIT OPS 2.8 - kitbasher [blender addon]


由Hard Ops和Boxcutter的顶级开发人员开发的KIT OPS PRO是一个Blender插件,它使用非破坏性工作流来帮助.blender文件的系统化应用,以快速创建和探索新的设计,从而立即剪切和添加现有对象或创建独立的对象。工具包可以以极高的效率和速度创建对象和场景。门窗可以通过墙壁插入和切割,复杂的工业设计可以单独产生,KIT OPS使用blender修改器的力量来完成这一切。


Brought to you by top developers of Hard Ops and Boxcutter, KIT OPS PRO is a Blender addon and works in the current released version of Blender, which is 2.79. It uses a non-destructive workflow to aid in the systemized application of .blender files called KIT OPS INSERTS, to instantly cut and add to existing objects or create standalone objects with the goal of rapidly creating and exploring new designs.

When used properly, KIT OPS can create objects and scenes with extreme efficiency and speed. Doors and windows can be inserted and cut through walls. Complex industrial designs can be generated in a single sitting. KIT OPS uses the power of the Blender Modifiers to accomplish all of this.



